If you’ve been waiting patiently for a coveted piece to join our sale & clearance handbags, you’ve come to the right place! Here’s where we offer the well-constructed beauty of our collections at clearance prices. Find favorites here from all our curated lines of handbags. Trends shift but you have a unique style that wears them boldly. To your singular style, we add functionality and affordability that make all the stunning pieces here on our Sale page objects of desire. Fill up your collection with vegan designer bags on sale.
Urban Expressions is proud to be a PETA-affiliated business. This status assures you that everything we create here is animal-friendly, contributing to a greener, less cruel world. We know a contemporary girl wants to be part of the change. We make that possible with trend-relevant, animal-friendly handbags, expertly constructed from vegan leather. The ethical fashion moment has come. When you’re part of the Urban Expressions family, you’re part of change for the better! Select from high-quality, statement-making purses. Our fashion handbags on clearance are favorites offered at an even more accessible price. Shop our ethical selection now!
You should always pay attention to quality but just because a purse is on sale doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with it. It means the vendor is making space for new styles. And you may find a purse you like at a better price with the same quality!
Clearance pages are your best bet when looking for a beautiful, luxury purse. Sales can net you incredible deals on items you may not have thought were within reach.
Bags that transform seamlessly from one setting to another are multi-functional. Removable and adjustable straps are key to this facility. All you do is remove the strap and a vegan crossbody bag becomes an evening clutch. The work tote becomes a weekender or a bag for shopping. A multi-functional purse does more than one job!