We're excited to offer worldwide shipping! Please be advised that orders shipped outside the Continental U.S. are not eligible for free shipping benefits.
Just add items to your cart, select your country and proceed to checkout. Your order total will be displayed in your preferred currency, including any applicable shipping costs from our warehouse in the United States to your selected country, as well as any applicable duties and taxes imposed by the customs and revenue authorities in the destination country.
International shipping is calculated based on a number of factors including shipping method, the number of items purchased, the weight of the items, and the destination country. International shipping will be calculated during the checkout process.
Please note that product prices do not include duties and taxes. All duties and taxes will be calculated at checkout. Duty (or customs tariffs) is set by the destination country customs authorities and is determined based on a combination of the country of origin or manufacturing of the goods being purchased and the classification of that merchandise in accordance with a harmonized system adopted and used by the selected country. Tax rates are set by the country. You will be able to view the guaranteed total amount of applicable duty and taxes for your order at checkout.
Your credit card will be billed at the time your package leaves the United States.
We want you to be completely satisfied with your Urban Expressions purchase. If for any reason you are not, we will gladly accept unworn, unwashed, unaltered, or unused merchandise in sellable condition for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
We gladly offer easy international returns. To make a return, please follow the steps outlined in our return instructions here.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at: Customerservice@urbanexpressions.net